Create Your Professional Presentation in Just 2 Days…
Business Owners, Executives, HR Professionals, Business Coaches and Business Consultants Who Want To 10X Your Influence and Earnings 👇
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*Only $997 $100 Today!”
Join the Challenge Now
*Limited Time Offer. Regular price is $997 yours today for just $100.

"What I liked best about David’s program, is he made the training relatable through telling stories and letting us know that he started from where we are starting. He also made it really engaging so I was able to get a lot from the training. Now I have a framework I use every week to move my audience and give effective presentations."
- Jarvis Leverson

"I had a goal to become a better speaker and have better talks. I didn’t know where to start or what to do. Then along came David Brownlee and helped me craft my story and my speaking engagement itself, so that people actually wanted to listen to it. Crafting my talk so that it drives emotion. Now I am being invited to speak and be paid for it. I am looking forward to all of the people I get to help because I am now much better at all of it."
- Marcy Luna

"I left my corporate job to become a full-time speaker. I took David’s course and it taught me everything I needed to know to be an engaging, professional speaker. I went from getting my first speaking gig to recently speaking to a 700,000 person audience. I owe it all to David. If you have the chance to work with David, just say yes!"
- Erik Seversen

Get The Professional Presentation System I personally Use To Generate Millions of Dollars for Myself and My Fortune 500 Clients
How To Create And Deliver An Effective Professional Presentation In Any Subject To Any Audience At Any Time
Discover how to build a professional presentation from scratch, know exactly what to say and when and how to create maximum engagement and influence actions with your audience, even if you’ve never done it before.
You’ll Discover The Exact Power Presentation™ Template That Companies Pay Me $25k or More To Get
I’ll give you a proven, easy-to-follow professional presentation template that you can use for the rest of your career to close more deals, increase your income and take advantage of promotion opportunities.
How To Present Your Professional Presentation To Create Unparalleled Engagement and Influence
Discover how to deliver your professional presentation to any audience, in any sized room with unwavering confidence and poise even if you’re terrified of public speaking.
When you discover how to create engaging Professional Presentations (the way I’ll show you during this challenge), you’ll have the power to accomplish your goals and objectives, transform your business,
…And Have The Expertise and Influence You’ve always Dreamed Of!

From: David Brownlee
Location: San Diego
Hey Friend,
Regardless of what’s going on in your market or in your company…having the ability to create and deliver a compelling, professional presentation, will help you write your own ticket to success.
…and that’s exactly what you’ll know how to do in the challenge!!!
So how do you know if the The Power Presentation™ challenge is right for you?
Here’s who will benefit most…
If you are an executive, employee, consultant or coach and are currently giving presentations…but they are not engaging, persuasive or as informative as you’d like – this this is for you.
If you get anxiety giving presentations or lose sleep the night before...this is your opportunity to put that behind you for good. Even if you have never been satisfied with your presentations in the past.
You’re ready to give more engaging and persuasive presentations (or overhaul the ones you have) so you can close more deals, make more money and influence action in your audience – then this is designed with you in mind.
If Any Of Those Describe You, Then Please Continue, This Could Be The ONE THING That Unlocks The Full Potential Of Your Presentations!
I’m David Brownlee, and my journey from zero to 1.5 million students online from around the globe has made one thing certain…
…having a proven, professional presentation is the key to completely transforming your business and changing your life.

I’ve presented everywhere from board rooms with 5 person audiences to Fortune 500 Companies with thousands of people in the audience.
As a former business coach and seminar leader for Tony Robbins and presenting at Academy Award After Parties, I learned how to engage different audiences in various surroundings, with different objectives and on numerous topics.
If have helped millions of executives, their team members, consultants and coaches (just like you!) transform their lives through the power of professional presentations.
But what’s the secret to my success?
It isn’t about obsessing over my presentations OR dumping them off on A.I. bots and getting back a generic, unmoving presentation that couldn’t engage a brake pedal.
It’s about creating a captivating, professional presentation over and over again quickly and reliably that enables me to grow my business and make the money I want to make, while serving my clients at the highest levels through my presentations and teaching The Power Presentation™.
It something I call the The Power Presentation™. This is the exact system I have personally used to generate millions of dollars from presentations for myself and my clients.
…And now I’m going to share it with you.
Many people tasked with presenting struggle with creating and delivering professional presentations because they are focused on the wrong thing…they think it’s all about adding more charts and statistics, and “businesslike” jargon. Or what their hair, make-up or suit looks like. But what sets The Power Presentation™ apart is the focus on the audience members, what they need, want and think. When your presentation speaks to them, your presentation practically engages and influences them automatically.
In the The Power Presentation™ challenge, I’ll walk you through my exact process for creating your own professional presentations in a way that has your audience saying “YES!” without hesitation.
To give you more insight on how this works, let’s look at the different “types” of presentations, and what sets professional presentations, The Power Presentation™ apart…
The Three Types Of Presentations
(And The ONE That Works Predictably…)
Books and Traditional Classes
You’re probably well aware of public speaking books and traditional classes, most everyone starts here. Books and classes usually consist of general ideas, entry-level tips and rudimentary outlines.
Books and traditional classes can work, but…
In order to see the results you want, you need to do a massive amount of guessing. Even if you attend weekly meetups, the curriculum is rarely anything you can use in a professional presentation or much less in a business or selling scenario. You can still encounter massive uncertainty, anxiety and negative feedback on your presentations.

A.I. Generated Presentations
A.I. generated presentations are where a lot of people are turning to today after being disappointed with books and traditional classes. They are fast, easy to use and pulls usable ideas from the internet. You can experience decent success with A.I. presentations, but…
You’re stuck in the middle. Where you can create fast presentations, but they are generic and vanilla and won’t move anyone. Zero engagement putting your audience to sleep and you still may be encountering anxiety about presenting, and have a presentation flow that is working against you and your audience.

Fast, easy, personalized to you
Creates engagement and put together in a way that is compelling and irresistible to your audience. Gives you confidence to deliver anywhere, anytime regardless of what is going on around your market or your company. The Power Presentation™
With The Power Presentation™, it’s about quality, engagement and confidence. You’ll finally have a proven, fast, easy-to-follow system for creating and delivering a professional presentation for the rest of your career.
This means you can present your presentation to any audience, on any topic, at any time without the anxiety, uncertainty and fear of negative feedback. You can make more money, seize opportunities for promotions, and create more the freedom in your business life that you’ve always wanted.
Most executives, their teams and consultants are unaware of the true power in a professional presentation. They unknowingly hold themselves back, and trick themselves into thinking they won’t ever be good at giving presentations. They’re stuck in the traditional classes and A.I. presentation mindset, instead of being able to deliver their flawless, dream presentation at the
highest level…

…In fact, here’s the thing most executives, their teams and consultants don’t realize…
Ascending through these three presentation types isn’t just about making more money, getting promoted or closing more deals. It’s about perfecting the art and science of creating and delivering a professional presentation that can transform an audience and be truly irresistible.
Each of these presentation types require a completely different approach, but only The Power Presentation™ will result in true freedom and fulfillment for both you and your audience.
In order to create a truly successful professional presentation, you need a proven system and framework for your professional presentation that leaves your audience with no choice but to love it.
The REAL magic is in how you deliver and present your expertise inside your professional performance or how you deliver your presentation.
That’s exactly why I’ve distilled everything I’ve learned about creating and delivering successful professional presentations into this 2-day challenge.
I call it the…
Power Presentation™ Challenge

Give Me Just 2 Days, I’ll Show You Exactly How To
Transform Your Expertise Into an Irresistible professional presentation… That Allows You To 10x The Effectiveness Of Your Presentation So You Can Finally Give A Presentation You Are Proud Of Without Stress Or Anxiety!
All without…
Losing sleep the night before your presentation hoping it will go well
Feeling stress and anxiety when you have to give a presentation
Being uncertain about what to say or do during your presentation or what to add or delete from it

The Power Presentation™ Challenge will give you absolute clarity and confidence in your professional presentation, establishing you as the expert and ideal choice to deliver it.
The best part?
Once you have your Power Presentation™ (using the exact framework and system I’m teaching you in the challenge)…
…you’ll have a customizable, REAL, premium and proven presentation system that attracts clients who are ready, willing and eager to invest and work with you…And team members ready to accept your ideas and take action on your strategies.
With all that said, here’s…
What You’ll Discover During The 2-Day
Power Presentation™ Challenge
How To Create A Professional Presentation!

Discover the exact “Power Presentation™” framework that I personally use for creating presentations SO irresistible, that they make giving presentations effortless and have clients and team members engaged and agreeing with you…
You’ll finally be able to stop doubting your presentations and start feeling confident in your presentations.
This is the difference maker that turns typical presentations into Power Presentations™.
How To Deliver Your Presentation So That It Is Irresistible!

Discover how to deliver an “irresistible presentation” so you can 10X the effectiveness of your presentation and serve at the highest level!
I’ll uncover my confidential professional presentation performance blueprint that will allow you to effortlessly engage, educate and influence your audience with confidence. You will position and articulate your expertise so clearly and passionately, that your dream clients are eager to work with you, while giving you the freedom to focus on delivering exceptional value and results.
All My Secrets For Engaging And Influencing Your Clients, Team Members and Prospects!

Get my best kept secrets to creating and delivering a compelling and engaging professional presentation so you no longer have to figure out what to say, how to say it or what to do in your presentations.
You’ll have a steady, predictable system that produces effective, professional presentations! You will obtain proven presentation skills that you can use for the rest of your career!
This in and of itself is worth the admission investment to the “Power Presentation™ Challenge…
You’ll think I’m crazy for charging so little for it!
In Short: The Power Presentation™ Challenge Is A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To
COMPLETELY Transform Your Business & Life
To The Point Where Your Dream Clients And Team Members Will Be Lining Up For The Opportunity To Work With You, Asking “When Can We Start?!” Rather Than Criticizing Your Presentation.
Join the Challenge Now

"I have a goal to help 100k people on their fitness journey. I know I needed a way to communicate my message to them. That’s when I met David Brownlee. With his huge resume on speaking, his program helped me discover what to say, to who and tell my story. He knows where you are and where you need to go with your presentation. I now have small, clear, actionable steps to reach my goal."
- Kemet Okara

"I didn’t know how to create a really great presentation. Not understanding how to do it, and not wanting to spend countless hours to try and learn how to do it, I found David Brownlee. His teaching and coaching on speaking is amazing. It’s simple, to the point and super valuable information. He’s an actual speaker on the biggest stages for Harley-Davidson and McDonald’s and knows his stuff. The best part of it is David. He over delivers and will take excellent care of you."
- Hank Ebeling
Ready To Create A Professional Presentation That Attracts Premium Clients and Wows Your Team Members…So You Can Grow Your Business and Elevate Your Career WITHOUT Getting Stuck In The Delivery And Preparation, And Finally Step Into The Life Of Freedom You’ve Always Dreamed Of?
Here’s What You Can Expect From The
Power Presentation™ Challenge

BEFORE The Challenge
Selling yourself short, and underutilizing your expertise.
Wasting time, and money, struggling to figure out how to present effectively to your clients and team members.
Lacking confidence, and second guessing yourself and your presentations…often struggling with “imposter syndrome” and wondering if you are actually “good enough”.
Watching from the sidelines as your competitors and co-workers thrive, and elevate the quality of their presentations while you stay stuck with low-level presentations and results.
Overwhelmed and uncertain about presenting yourself and your expertise in a what that showcases a professional presentation and the high-value expert that you are.

AFTER The Challenge
A truly irresistible professional presentation that practically delivers itself!
A proven, predictable framework and system for creating and delivering the dream presentation that you imagine!
Unshakable confidence in yourself and your ability to deliver the kind of results that you expect from a professional presentation!
A limitless professional presentation system that enables you to make more, while working less!
Finally having FUN and being EXCITED about your professional presentation, and sharing it with your clients, team members and prospects.
What's Your Investment?
The investment for this 2-Day challenge is a one-time discounted payment of $997 $100!
While I’ve offered plenty of free trainings over the years, The Power Presentation™ Challenge is specifically designed for action-takers who are ready to level up their business through the
power of professional presentations.
I’m looking for dedicated, no-excuse professionals, coaches and consultants who are ready to
transform their businesses and their lives…
I will not be showing you basic, generic presentation strategies. I WILL be walking you through
my entire proven “Power Presentation™ system, frameworks and strategies that I personally use for creating millions of dollars for myself and my clients.
With this system I could easily charge $25,000 or more…
And because I’m committed to helping other executives, their team members, coaches and consultants realize their potential and step into their true greatness, I’m making this challenge available to you for just $997 $100.
This small investment could be the turning point that transforms your entire business, and life…
Think about it like this… just one professional presentation client or promotion could return
your ticket purchase 100x over!
100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee
I want you to have absolute confidence this is the right decision for you and your team, which is why I’m offering a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.
If you’re not completely satisfied with The Power Presentation™ sessions, and if you feel like you didn’t receive any valuable information, or insights that you can immediately start implementing into your presentations…
…then you can email my support team after the challenge for a full, no-hassle refund.

Why You Need To

This “Power Presentation™” challenge is unlike anything I’ve ever done before…and Idon’t know when I’ll be doing it again.
With that said, registering now may be your only chance to attend.
This challenge is a rare opportunity to discover The Power Presentation™ system that I personally use, at a fraction of the cost I normally charge.
To be able to provide the highest-level of value so you can learn how to implement my professional presentation strategies effectively, I’ll be closing registrations once we reach capacity.
So as you’re reading this and wondering if this is for you…
“Power Presentation™ Challenge”

Normally: $997
Today's Price: $100!

2-Day Virtual Event:
‘Power Presentation™’
Starts January 9th – 10th
11 AM PST – 12:30 PM PST
NOTE: This event is 2 days; be sure to add it to your calendar so you don’t miss a moment of this incredible value!
So you can learn exactly how to create your own Power Presentation™!

"David came and spoke at our leadership summit and we had a great motivational closing to our time together, we had a great time bringing David into our business and recommend you do the same."
- Phil Marks
Chief Operating Officer, Behr Paint

"What a unique pleasure it is to watch David do his thing. His energy, enthusiasm and true passion for helping people comes through immediately."
- Scott Milrad
Content Manager, Business, LinkedIn Corporation
Imagine What Your Life Could Look Like In Just 2 Days…
Join The “Power Presentation™” Challenge Today For A Discounted Low Payment Of Just $100!
Join The “Power Presentation™ Challenge” Below
🔒 Secure Order Form
YES! Save My Spot For The “Power Presentation™” Challenge”!
*Simply enter your information and click the button below to join the challenge, and you will be instantly directed to the members area where you will find your secret link to access the challenge. See you inside!
Price Today: $997 $100!

"We have been waiting to work with David for some time now, the stars were aligned this year and we were able to get him as the keynote speaker for our company convention. David blew the roof off the joint! His energy and enthusiasm are contagious and he is an expert sales and customer service trainer. We signed up to work with him for the next 12 months."
- Shawn Fechter
VP Sales EagleRider/ Harley-Davidson Dealer Rentals

"Hey David. I’m hearing great feedback on your keynote today. Thanks again for bringing the energy and thoughtfulness on how our team can improve their people practices! You delivered the message in a unique and impactful way!"
- Christopher Giarla
Owner/ Operator | Event Director, McDonald’s Corporation

"David - YOU are the rockstar. Thank you so much for the incredible work you’ve done with our presentations. People loved it and so we owe it to you for bringing the content to life for us. We must have you back for something soon."
- Wynnie Phipps
People+Culture Leader, Oakley

"Thanks for coming yesterday. Your energy was amazing and contagious! I have had nothing but great feedback from the teams."
- Todd Hymel
CEO Volcom

"David is a transformative speaker who has brought tremendous value to our company. With incredible knowledge and boundless energy, he has guided us on best practices. David has been a treasure to our organization, and we look forward to having him work with us again for many years to come."
- Kelly Vlahakis Hanks
President & CEO, ECOS

"David trained our team and we couldn’t be happier. His insights, strategies and enthusiasm are simply amazing. He helped boost our morale and our revenue."
- Steve Shattuck
Head of Americas Sales, Hewlett Packard
Disclaimer – This program will give you actionable steps to create a presentation. Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved.